Species Identification Guide for Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand

An 89-page guidebook to help enforcement officers identify species openly sold in markets in three Mekong countries. Also available in Burmese, Laotian, Thai, and Chinese.

Owls of India ID Guide

An identification guide to support enforcement identify species of Indian owls in illegal trade.

WCS Conservation Technologies

Wildlife Conservation Society offers a suite of digital tools designed to support wildlife conservation efforts. It features technologies for data collection, monitoring, and analysis, including tools for tracking wildlife, detecting threats, and managing conservation projects. These resources aim to enhance field operations, improve data accuracy, and support effective decision-making in wildlife and habitat management.

Guidance To Photographing Live Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles for Identification

Provides standards for capturing and using photographic evidence to support wildlife trade investigations. The guide details best practices for photographing seized wildlife and related materials to ensure the evidence is useful for legal and enforcement purposes. Guidelines aim to enhance the quality and consistency of photographic documentation in wildlife crime cases, supporting effective enforcement and prosecution.

IUU Fishing Dashboard

The Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Dashboard is a publicly available tool utilizing data from Windward to identify vessels at high risk of IUU fishing and incidents of fishing activities, dark activities, and likely transshipments in three areas of interest in Latin America. The dashboard is intended to serve as a publicly available tool for researchers, analysts, journalists and the overall public to gain an awareness and understanding of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) in important areas around Latin America. It provides situational awareness of ongoing activities, as well as historical data going back to 2022, in order to meet various research needs.

Wildlife Sentinel

Wildlife Sentinel is an app to help staff at airports, airlines, and other aviation companies report suspected wildlife trafficking and corruption. The app is anonymous and is available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes

The information contained within this book was originally developed for the wildlife law enforcement community in connection with its mandate to enforce international endangered species trade regulations and restrictions. Thousands of copies of previous editions of this guidebook have been distributed in three languages throughout the world. The goal is to provide wildlife law enforcement officers, scientists and managers with a visual and non-destructive means of tentatively identifying the authenticity and species origin of suspected ivory for enforcement purposes, including a “probable cause” justification for seizure of suspected illegal material, at ports of entry. Emphasis also remains on carved ivory, mostly because whole teeth are easily identified.

Picture Guide to Illegal Wildlife Parts & Products Commonly Found in Southeast Asia

This pocket guide was produced for quick identification of wildlife parts and products commonly sold in markets in Southeast Asia.

Traditional Asian Medicine Identification Guide for Law Enforcers: Version II

Identification guide for traditional Asian medicines in trade made to assist enforcers with determining which medicines and ingredients are legal or illegal, in the context of the cases they adeal with. The majority of law enforcers have no knowledge of Chinese characters and the many forms that these medicines take. This guide is primarily for law enforcers based outside Asia, in countries where large volumes of traditional Asian medicines are imported. The regions where this version of the guide may be of most use include Europe, North America and Australasia.

Wave Glider

Autonomous uncrewed surface vehicle that can collect data for a year without fuel.

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