Index of Tools

Index of Tools

Index of Tools

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Owner Organisation


USDA Forest International Programs

A reference system linking information on trees and their global trade, especially species at risk of over harvesting. The system integrates data on taxonomy, conservation, geography, and trade regulations, all acquired from online databases or primary literature. Intended users include professionals or enthusiasts working with forest resources and their sustainable use.



USDA Forest Product Laboratory

A complete, self-cotained, multi-illumination, field-deployable, open-source platform for field imaging and identification of forest products at the macroscopic scale. The XyloTron platform integrates an imaging system build with off-the-shelf components, flexible illumination options with visible and UV light sources, software for camera control, and deep learning models for identification.


Basel Open Intelligence

Basel Institute on Governance

Basel Open Intelligence is a targeted open-source search tool. It helps compliance officers and investigators to spot and analyze potential links between individuals, companies and criminal activities.


Global Environmental Crime Tracker

Environmental Investigation Agency

The interactive Global Environmental Crime Tracker has up-to-date data collected from publicly available information, including government reports, enforcement agency press releases and non-governmental and academic papers on environmental crime. incorporates news media coverage in several languages and details provided by partner NGOs.


IUU Fishing Dashboard

Florida International University

The Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Dashboard is a publicly available tool utilizing data from Windward to identify vessels at high risk of IUU fishing and incidents of fishing activities, dark activities, and likely transshipments in three areas of interests in Latin America. The dashboard is intended to serve as a publicly available tool for researchers, analysts, journalists and the overall public to gain an awareness and understanding of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) in important areas around Latin America. It provides situational awareness of ongoing activities, as well as historical data going back to 2022, in order to meet various research needs.


The Ocean Actions Index

Outlaw Ocean Project

This is a compilation of input from advocates and researchers who were asked what can be done to better protect the oceans and its workers. This document consists of three levels. The first lists actions that individuals can take. The second itemizes actions governments or companies can take. The third offers broader context.


Critical Minerals Dashboard

Florida International University

The Critical Minerals Dashboard is an ongoing project that visualizes the locations and available details of mines who produce minerals deemed relevant for the US supply chain and are prominent in Latin America. Data is sourced from multiple open-source channels and will be regularly updated and expanded. t locates mining projects of critical minerals and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Latin America, considering the strategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC).


AI Guardian 2.0

International Fund for Animal Welfare

The “AI Guardian 2.0” uses a customized model created by PaddleX, a development tool for the PaddlePaddle platform. The tool uses Internet technology to enable the comprehensive management of illegal wildlife trade on the Internet and to make wildlife protection more efficient. AI Guardian 2.0 adopts the latest Large Vision Model and was trained jointly by IFAW and Baidu PaddlePaddle through Semi-Supervised Learning. The model will be upgraded regularly to incorporate the latest technology development and will expand the number and variety of species covered to keep up with latest trends in wildlife cybercrime.


Wildlife Sentinel

Crime Stoppers International

Wildlife Sentinel is an app to help staff at airports, airlines, and other aviation companies report suspected wildlife trafficking and corruption. The app is anonymous nd is available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.


EcoCrime Map

Instituto Igarape

Ecocrime Data, the Igarapé Institute’s new data visualization platform, provides an overview of the ways in which environmental crime threatens forests, traditional peoples and communities, and the region’s biodiversity.

The platform offers an immersive experience showing how land grabbing, illegal logging, illegal mining and the illicit wildlife trade are harming our climate. It also reveals the many social challenges that emerge from environmental crimes, including corruption, slavery and violence.



Wildlife Conservation Society

SMART enables the collection, storage, communication, and evaluation of data on patrol efforts, patrol results, and threat levels.conservation area management platform, including mobile, desktop, and cloud-based components with a wide range of applications in conservation practice. This platform allows conservationists to easily collect, visualize, store, analyze, report and act on a wide range of data relevant for protecting wildlife and improving your overall conservation impact. SMART 7 is the latest version that has been released. Multiple tools are bundled in the app. that can be used for different purposes.



Stardust Secured

dust-like material that can be sprayed onto wood and detected only with a hand-held device. Stardust has the potential to be applied to timber and pulp and paper products as a cheaper alternative to bar-codes, radio-frequency identification (RFID) and other tracking technologies.Stardust is applied via microscope optical markers, thus promised to be precise, hand-held and practical in-field detection devices. There are multiple markers available, they should provide instant authentication.




intelligently processes images from camera traps in the field and immediately flags to rangers the presence of an elephant or human, allowing those protecting wildlife to identify poaching threats in real time and respond more immediately. The tool is not actively maintained or available for use at this time.



International Center for Tropical Agriculture

detects land-cover changes resulting from human activities in near real-time, producing updates every 16 days.computational neural network is ‘trained’ to understand the normal pattern of changes in vegetation greenness in relation to terrain and rainfall for a site and then marks areas as changed where the greenness suddenly changes well beyond these normal limits




The trade in wildlife information exchange (TWIX) online platform features a series of tools developed to facilitate information exchange and international cooperation between law enforcement agencies across Europe and Africa



World Resources Institute

smartphone-based supply chain traceability system developed by TreeTAG Technologies, Inc that tracks the location of logs transported from the forest to the mill. It was piloted in Guatemala and is since no longer active or available for use.




Triton analyzes the ownership structures of the world’s industrialized fishing fleets, revealing the linkages between fishing vessels at sea and the companies who profit from their activities. Transparency Database with ownership tracing methodology and contains corporate ownership information for several major industrial fishing fleets, including the refrigerated cargo fleet; large-scale longline fleets flagged to South Korea, Japan, Spain, China, and Taiwan; as well as RFMO and Interpol-listed vessels



Ocean Aero

Ocean Aero has created the world’s first and only environmentally powered Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vehicle (AUSV), the TRITON, that collects data both above and below the ocean’s surface and relays it to you from anywhere, at anytime. TRITON is fully wind and solar powered, eliminating the use of environment-polluting fuel and is fully autonomous, eliminating the need for on-board or nearby crews. This autonomy allows for extended deployment and broad scope mission execution in remote ocean domains for longer periods of time


Wave Glider

Liquid Robotics

Autonomous Uncrewed Surface Vehicle that can collect data for a year without fuel


Wildlabs Database

Fauna and Flora

global conservation technology community of 7,000 people in 120 countries discussing 1,300 topics like biologging, camera traps, and machine learning


Wildlife Alert

Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Wildlife Alert wasdesigned for military personnel, who often purchasewildlife products as souvenirs, to determine if a productis made from a protected species. Both DOD and WCSagreed to make the app available to the public in an effortto better combat illegal trade, particularly in Afghanistan; The app’s database allowsfor over 75 species to be identified, including all speciesof cat from around the world. Despite its ease of use, itdoesn’t allow users to report the vendor. It does, however,inform and raise awareness of the types of items thatcould potentially be confiscated.


Wildlife Guardian

Wildlife Conservation Society

Tech in China to confirm species identity through a series of questions, but takes an extra step to outsource initially unidentifiable items to external scientists. If the product is identified as illegal by the user or external scientists, steps are taken to track down the product and trader/trafficker. The app was specifically developed to support forest police, customs officers, and others in the field to address trafficking across China


Wildlife Insights

World Wildlife Fund

Using artificial intelligence and the power of big data to provide scientists an unequaled view into the habits and habitats of wildlife, data that is critical for crafting smart conservation policies.Takes “animal selfies” through motion-detector cameras — known as camera traps — snap thousands of photos a day of animals rarely seen by human eyes. As the largest camera-trap database in the world, Wildlife Insights has the potential to transform wildlife conservation by providing reliable, frequent and up-to-date information on myriad species that are largely invisible to science and conservation practitioners




App to to combat illegal wildlife trade across Asia and later West Africa, designed to help frontline enforcement agencies,private sector employees, and the general public correctly identify, report, and handle animals and plants frequently caught in the illegal wildlife trade. WildScan hosts a comprehensive library containinginformation on over 600 endangered species andillegal wildlife products. The app’s identification wizardcomponent poses four simple questions to assist users in identifying the appropriate species. It is expanding to be used globally.


Maritime AI


Maritime risk analytics platform used to identify illicit activity through inconsistent or “risky” behavior


Global Fishing Legislative Database

Outlaw Ocean Project

Explore the laws and regulation that govern fishing around the world.


Global Wildlife Whistleblower Program

National Whistleblower Center

NWC’s Global Wildlife Whistleblower Program is a secure worldwide web-based platform designed to educated and incentivize potential whistleblowers in order to dramatically increase the number of high-quality confidential reports essential to detect wildlife crime and enforce the laws prohibiting illegal trafficking worldwide.


Marine Aquarium Biodiversity and Trade Flow

Roger Williams University is a commitment to understanding the diversity and magnitude of the marine aquarium trade by illuminating and evaluating the global shipping pathways of the trade. This ongoing effort is the culmination of several years of work, tabulating the volume and diversity of marine ornamental species entering the United States of America via aquarium trade pathways. It is hosted in partnership with University of Massachusetts, Boston.



Center for Environmental Forensice Science University of Washington

Software for “smoothed and continuous assignment tests” that combines genetic and statistical methods to determine the origin of poached ivory. The method to estimate geographic-specific allele frequencies over the entire African elephants’ range. These geographic-specific allele frequency estimates are used to infer the geographic origin of DNA samples.



Center for Environmental Forensice Science University of Washington

An extension of SCAT aiming to determine the geographic origin(s) of large elephant ivory seizures. Uses a Voronoi tessellation method that utilizes genetic similarities across tusks to simultaneously infer the origin of multiple samples that could have one or more origin(s).


AML Index

Basel Institute

Published annually, the Public Edition of the Basel AML Index ranks countries with sufficient data to calculate a reliable risk score. It is a snapshot of global ML/TF risks and progress by countries and regions over time.


Corruption Perceptions Index

Transparency International

Since its inception in 1995, the Corruption Perceptions Index, Transparency International’s flagship research product, has become the leading global indicator of public sector corruption. The index offers an annual snapshot of the relative degree of corruption by ranking countries and territories from all over the globe. In 2012, Transparency International revised the methodology used to construct the index to allow for comparison of scores from one year to the next.


Detect IT Fish

World Wildlife Fund

web-based tool that looks at data tracking the movement of fish from port to port and country to country. The tool highlights any trade information that looks suspicious and possibly illegal. Through rapid, automated collection, it compares, and analyzes United Nations trade data from more than 170 countries. A user can search trade data by time, product, and partner countries. The tool is either no longer maintained or not available for use.



Peru Ministry of the Environment

Deforestation (Forests and forest loss): georeferenced information on the remaining forest stock, as well as the loss of Peruvian forest cover on an annual basis. Early Warning: to generate georeferenced alerts, indicating disturbances in the forests in short periods of time, after the event has occurred, allowing to understand and visualize the behavior of deforestation and its causes in the initial stages, as well as to operationalize the actions of prevention and control of deforestation Degradation: its purpose is to generate periodically georeferenced data on forest degradation, based on selective disturbances of the forest without reaching deforestation and which are generally linked to selective logging activities. Use and Change in Land Use: generate georeferenced data periodically every two years or more, through which it is possible to identify changes in the use of forest land, by monitoring the areas that have been deforested


The Global Fishing Watch Map

Global Fishing Watch

The Global Fishing Watch map is the first open-access online tool for visualization and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea. Anyone with an internet connection can access the map to monitor global fishing activity from 2012 to the present for more than 65,000 commercial fishing vessels that are responsible for a significant part of global seafood catch.


The Global Forest Watch Map

Global Forest Watch

an open-source web application to monitor global forests in near real-time. GFW is an initiative of the World Resources Institute, with partners including Google, USAID, the University of Maryland, Esri, Vizzuality and many other academic, non-profit, public, and private organizations


Organized Crime Idex

Enhancing Africa’s Response to Transnational Organized Crime (ENACT)

first global analytical tool to provide an assessment of criminal markets, categories of criminal actors, and resilience capacity for 193 UN member states;


Ivory ID

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)

It utilises stable isotope methods validated by researchers from WWF Germany and works with partners from the University of Regensburg who analyse radioactive isotopes to determine the age of ivory. website includes a free and readilyaccessible reference database of over 700samples of ivory from African and Asianelephant range states, and was handedover to the international CITES communityat COP 17 in 2016


Mineria Illegal

Red Amazonica de Informacion Socioambiental Georreferenciada (RAISG)

Map created by Amazon Georeferenced Socioenvironmental Information Network (RAISG) to map illegal mining in protected territories of the Amazon


Ouro Alvo/Ouroteca

Brazilean Federal Police

“Gold Library” – database with samples obtained from different parts of Brazilallows the Federal Police to create a chemical fingerprint of each sample, which they can then use to cross-reference the origin of seized or suspicious gold


Nature Intelligence System

Wildlife Detection Partnership

A machine learning-based dashboard that captures shipping invoices (electronic or paper) and conducts analytics on cargo shipment data (ex. price, weight, country of origin, taxonomic identity) for inspectors to easily identify questionable shipments. Status: Testing with Canadian government agencies.Designed to automatically analyse shipment paperwork and identify questionable shipments. Once anomalies have been identified and shipments are being inspected, officers will be supported in their decision making with an integrated species identification application


Minespider Platform


Supply Chain Tracking using blockchain



Planet Labs

200 earth imaging satellites, the largest in history, images the whole Earth land mass daily


Project Seeker


AI driven detection algorithm for CT scanning systems using bespoke Microsoft AI to curb the trade. Currently, there are no integrated, multi-species illegal wildlife algorithms on the market. ata can be analysed to build a comprehensive and detailed picture of illegal wildlife trafficking across the world. It has been developed in collaboration with the United Kingdom Border Force’s Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) team, London Heathrow Airport and its leading screening partner, as well as the Duke of Cambridge’s Royal Foundation


Project Vikela


automated system for detecting illegal wildlife products in security screening systems, without compromising airport security



Global Traceability

platform that enables buyers to collect information from suppliers to establish a chain-of-custody. Radix Tree also performs legality risk assessments based on information provided, a required step for compliance with the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR


Radar Mining Monitoring

Spatial Informatics Group

monitors the advance of gold mining via satellite and radar in the Amazonian region of Madre de Dios in Peru, a country where the “gold rush” has devastated more than 237,000 acres (96,000 hectares) of primary forest over the past 30 years. Can overcome the limitation that satellites encounter when trying to capture photos of the forest on a cloudy day. RAMI’s radar monitoring can “see” through clouds and thus provide information about the forest without weather patterns getting in the way



University of Pretoria

database gathers DNA profiles and location of rhinos in South Africa, When authorities confiscaterhino horn, they can run a DNA test to determine itsexact origin. This is intended to serve as a deterrent topoachers and assist in prosecutions


Seascape Map


Database for efforts working to address seafood traceability, IUU fishing, and social responsibility topics. Map has since been archived but can still be accessed online.



Instituto Nacional de Bosques

web platform that requires actors along the supply chain to enter volume and authorization information. The system allows government officials and law enforcement officers to follow the flow of timber products from the forest to buyers, and identify discrepancies in volumes, species and products reported


Illegal Wildlife Trade – Red Flag

Transparency International

IWT Financial Flows Toolkit for financial institutions with particular focus on Africa, Asia and broader global financial centres. Also provides comprehensive resources for addressing wildlife trafficking, including practical guides and strategic frameworks. It offers tools for law enforcement and conservationists to improve their response to illegal wildlife trade, focusing on investigation techniques, legal frameworks, and inter-agency cooperation. The red flag guidance document within this toolkit compiles a set of key IWT-related red flag indicators to help financial institutions identify the key signs of suspicious activity related to IWT. Some of these red flags are common to other types of crime, but are particularly relevant to IWT.


Guidance To Photographing Live Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles for Identification

Transparency International

Provide standards for capturing and using photographic evidence to support wildlife trade investigations. They detail best practices for photographing seized wildlife and related materials to ensure the evidence is useful for legal and enforcement purposes. The guidelines aim to enhance the quality and consistency of photographic documentation in wildlife crime cases, supporting effective enforcement and prosecution.


Legal Atlas

Transparency International

Online platform that offers detailed, interactive maps and resources for understanding and comparing legal frameworks across different jurisdictions. It provides insights into various areas of law, including environmental regulations and compliance requirements, by showcasing how legal standards and practices vary globally. The platform aims to support legal professionals, researchers, and policymakers in navigating complex legal landscapes and fostering cross-border legal understanding.


Cyber Tracker Online

Transparency International

Platform that provides tools for collecting and analyzing field data in wildlife conservation and environmental monitoring. It offers a customizable data collection system that uses mobile devices to record observations, track wildlife movements, and gather various environmental metrics. The platform is designed to enhance data accuracy and efficiency in fieldwork, supporting better decision-making and management in conservation projects.


Wildlife Seizure Dashboard

Transparency International

Provides an interactive platform for visualizing and analyzing data related to wildlife trafficking and conservation. It offers detailed maps, charts, and data insights to track illegal wildlife trade trends and hotspots. The dashboard is designed to support researchers, policymakers, and conservationists by providing actionable information to combat wildlife crime and enhance conservation strategies.


Earth Ranger

Transparency International

Comprehensive software that offers tools for real-time data collection, monitoring, and analysis to support wildlife and protected area management. It provides a centralized platform for tracking wildlife movements, monitoring threats, and coordinating field operations, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. The software is designed to help conservation organizations and park managers improve their response to environmental challenges and better protect natural habitats.


Spatial Agent CTD

Transparency International

Spatial Agent CTD tool provides a platform for visualizing and analyzing spatial data related to conservation and environmental management. It allows users to filter and explore data on topics such as land use, wildlife habitat, and conservation threats. The tool aims to support data-driven decision-making by offering interactive maps and spatial analysis capabilities to better understand and address conservation challenges.


PortMATE (Port Monitoring and Anti-Trafficking Evaluation)

Transparency International

PortMATE is a tool designed to improve the monitoring of port activities and assist in the identification and mitigation of illicit trafficking


OWLET Report Suspicious Wildlife Content Online

Transparency International

“End Wildlife Trafficking Online” is dedicated to combating wildlife trafficking, a significant global issue that threatens biodiversity and ecosystems. It raises awareness about the illegal trade of animals and plants, emphasizing the impact on species, conservation efforts, and local communities. Complete the form to report suspected illegal wildlife products including live endangered species or products made from their parts for sale online. The Coalition will review these listings and work with company partners to remove those that violate the Coalition’s Prohibited Wildlife Policy Framework and are relevant to their platforms.


Cyberspotters Machine Learning System

Transparency International

A machine learning system that can isolate potential illegal wildife trade products for sale on online marketplaces. Current training data is on ivory, pangolin, wild cat teeth and claws, elephant hair and skin. The system is housed at WWF Singapore and is part of the Cyber Spotters initiative. Data extrapolated from this system gets forwarded to law enforcement (if deemed serious), to e-commerce companies (for their records) and kept internally to be used as references for potential future action i.e. demand reduction initiatives, digital deterrent.


Zoonotic Risk Predictor Machine Learning System

Transparency International

Developing a pilot machine learning solutions to assess and predict locations where known drivers of zoonotic disease emergence, spillover and outbreaks are likely to occur. This solution will utilise open source environmental, epidemiology and demographic data including deforestation data, disease outbreaks reports, wildife market location evaluations and regional infrastructure developments. The ML algorithms will be tailored to extract features within defined geographical coordinates, utilizing spatial analytics to assess proximity to relevant geographical entities. The algorithm will then seek to identify the importance of geographic, demographic, environmental or other factors in predicting disease hotspots.


OSINT Tracker

Transparency International

Wildlife trafficking offender data is collated by the SEA Chapter and updated monthly for the United for Wildlife Taskforce. This data features details on nearly 400 arrests of individuals alleged to be trafficking wildlife globally over the past twelve months.


#WildEye Map

Transparency International

Oxpeckers is a data-driven journalism organization which sources, aggregates and analyses data to help track and expose eco-offences across international borders.



Transparency International

TimberStats is a new, interactive, data-driven platform that will aid law enforcement and governments in monitoring the timber trade and detecting illegal shipments.


Red Flag Indicators for Wildlife and Timber Trafficking in Containerized Sea Cargo

Transparency International

The Compendium aims to capture the most common red flags indicators for illegal wildlife trade (IWT) happening through containerized sea cargo. It aims to guide and assist the maritime shipping sector in detecting possible non-compliance and IWT-related activities in their supply chains. It also provides recommendations and links to existing tools and best practices to help companies prevent further exploitation from traffickers.


Wildlife Witness

Transparency International

Wildlife Witness lets you report illegal trade. It makes it simple for you to watch out for wildlife and be part of the solution. It is the first global community action tool to tackle illegal trade and gives you the power to make a positive difference. With the app you can: Report wildlife you see caught in trade; See reports you’ve made on a global map; Learn about wildlife affected by trade; Learn what to look out for; Share the app and get your friends involved.



Transparency International

General species identification. Every observation can contribute to biodiversity science, from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed. We share your findings with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use your data. All you have to do is observe.


Social and Behavioral Change Online Community of Practice

Transparency International

A Community of conservation practitioners, NGOs, government agencies, academics, researchers, social marketers and advertisers who believe that behavioural science approaches can help to reduce demand for illegally traded wildlife products – which is so crucial to successfully secure a vibrant future for our threatened species!


Tool for Rapid Assessment of Wildlife Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region for Relative Risk of Future Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks

Transparency International

The tool helps to assess wildlife markets and trade situations in the Asia-Pacific region to risks of future zoonotic outbreaks. The framework is intended to provide guidance to the region’s governments to assess the relative risk of potential new incidents of serious emerging infectious diseases associated with the trade in wildlife. The risk matrix, published in the One Health scientific journal, will initially be used to analyze wildlife markets in the Asia Pacific region. The evaluation tool takes a One Health approach, recognizing the connection between people, nature and their shared environment, and provides a way for policy makers to take a holistic approach to ecosystem, animal and human health.


CITES Wildlife TradeView

Transparency International

Visualising CITES trade data over time, by species or by country


Checklist of CITES Species

Transparency International

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. The Checklist of CITES Species allows the exploration of more than 36,000 species of animals and plants and their degree of protection.


CITES Trade Database

Transparency International

The CITES Trade Database, managed by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEPWCMC) on behalf of the CITES Secretariat, is unique and currently holds over 13 million records of trade in wildlife and over 34,000 scientific names of taxa listed in the CITES Appendices. Around a million records of trade in CITES-listed species of wildlife are currently reported annually and these data are entered into the CITES Trade Database (an Oracle relational database) as soon as they are received by UNEP-WCMC. CITES annual reports are the only available means of monitoring the implementation of the Convention and the level of international trade in specimens of species included in the CITES Appendices. The CITES Trade Database can be queried and data downloaded from the CITES website ( or the UNEP-WCMC website ( You can contact UNEP-WCMC directly (see Annex 6 for contact details) if you have a specific data request that you are unable to answer using the online data querying facilities.



Transparency International

Species+, developed by UNEP-WCMC and the CITES Secretariat, is a website designed to assist Parties with implementing CITES, CMS and other multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs). Species+ provides a centralised portal for accessing key information on species of global concern. In particular, Species+ contains information on all species that are listed in the Appendices of CITES and CMS, as well as other CMS Family listings and species included in the Annexes to the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations.


Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes

Transparency International

The information contained within this book was originally developed for the wildlife law enforcement community in connection with its mandate to enforce international endangered species trade regulations and restrictions. Thousands of copies of previous editions of this guidebook have been distributed in three languages throughout the world. The goal is to provide wildlife law enforcement officers, scientists and managers with a visual and non-destructive means of tentatively identifying the authenticity and species origin of suspected ivory for enforcement purposes, including a “probable cause” justification for seizure of suspected illegal material, at ports of entry. Emphasis also remains on carved ivory, mostly because whole teeth are easily identified.


Picture Guide to Illegal Wildlife Parts & Products Commonly Found in Southeast Asia

Transparency International

The pocket guide was produced for quick identification of wildlife parts and products commonly sold in markets in Southeast Asia


Traditional Asian Medicine Identification Guide for Law Enforcers: Version II

Transparency International

The production of an identification guide for traditional Asian medicines in trade is to assist enforcers to determine which medicines and ingredients are legal or illegal, in the context of the cases they are dealing with. The majority of law enforcers have no knowledge of Chinese characters and the many forms that these medicines take. This guide is primarily for law enforcers based outside Asia, in countries where large volumes of traditional Asian medicines are imported. The regions where this version of the guide may be of most use include Europe, North America and Australasia.


Species Identification Guide for Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand

Transparency International

An 89-page guidebook to help enforcement officers identify species openly sold in markets in three Mekong countries. Also available in Burmese, Laotian, Thai, and Chinese.


Owls of India ID Guide

Transparency International

An identification guide to support enforcement identify species of Indian owls in illegal trade.


ROUTES Dashboard

Transparency International

Interactive graphics and visualisation tools on wildlife trafficking through airports and flight routes between 2009 and 2021 derived from open-source wildlife seizure data collected by C4ADS.When the ROUTES Partnership came to a close in 2021, the data and functionality from the ROUTES Dashboard were transferred into TRAFFIC’s Wildlife Trade Portal



Transparency International

TradeMapper is an interactive tool to visualise trade data, through source, transit, and destination countries.


Wildlife Trade Portal

Transparency International

The most comprehensive open-access repository of wildlife seizure data. The Wildlife Trade Portal is an interactive tool that displays TRAFFIC’s open-source wildlife seizure and incident data.



Transparency International

The SHERLOC portal is an initiative to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the three Protocols thereto and the international legal framework against terrorism. Its legislative database provides data on multiple crime types, including crimes affecting the environment, and corruption.


WCS Conservation Technologies

Transparency International

WCS offers a suite of digital tools designed to support wildlife conservation efforts. It features technologies for data collection, monitoring, and analysis, including tools for tracking wildlife, detecting threats, and managing conservation projects. These resources aim to enhance field operations, improve data accuracy, and support effective decision-making in wildlife and habitat management.



Transparency International

LionLocalizer is an online tool to provide intelligence into the possible geographic origin of any seized lion body parts. It uses genetic sequences generated from the seized lion parts to match them against a database known, georeferenced lion genetic sequences.


Loxodonta Localizer

Transparency International

Just as LionLocalizer can provide intelligence into the possible geographic origin of any seized lion body parts, Loxodonta Localizer is able to use genetic sequences generated from elephant body parts, including ivory, to match them against a database known, georeferenced elephant genetic sequences.


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