
Detects land-cover changes resulting from human activities in near real-time, producing updates every 16 days. The computational neural network is ‘trained’ to understand the normal pattern of changes in vegetation greenness in relation to terrain and rainfall for a site and then marks areas as changed where the greenness suddenly changes well beyond these normal limits.


The Geobosques platform is a key tool for forest management in the country of Peru. It provides annual information on deforestation, as well as early warnings of deforestation, every 16 days, allowing monitoring of specific areas of interest to users. Currently, in addition to information on Amazonian forests, it has the first baseline map of the seasonally dry forests of the northern coast of Peru.

The Global Fishing Watch Map

The Global Fishing Watch map is the first open-access online tool for visualization and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea. Anyone with an internet connection can access the map to monitor global fishing activity from 2012 to the present for more than 65,000 commercial fishing vessels that are responsible for a significant part of global seafood catch.


200 earth imaging satellites, the largest in history, imaging the whole Earth land mass daily.

Radar Mining Monitoring

Monitors the advance of gold mining via satellite and radar in the Amazonian region of Madre de Dios in Peru, a country where the “gold rush” has devastated more than 237,000 acres (96,000 hectares) of primary forest over the past 30 years. It can overcome the limitation that satellites encounter when trying to capture photos of the forest on a cloudy day. RAMI’s radar monitoring can “see” through clouds and thus provide information about the forest without weather patterns getting in the way.

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