Illegal Wildlife Trade – Red Flags

The Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Financial Flows Toolkit is for financial institutions with particular focus on Africa, Asia and broader global financial centres. The toolkit also provides comprehensive resources for addressing wildlife trafficking, including practical guides and strategic frameworks. It offers tools for law enforcement and conservationists to improve their response to illegal wildlife trade, focusing on investigation techniques, legal frameworks, and inter-agency cooperation. The red flag guidance document within this toolkit compiles a set of key IWT-related red flag indicators to help financial institutions identify the key signs of suspicious activity related to IWT. Some of these red flags are common to other types of crime, but are particularly relevant to IWT.

Zoonotic Risk Predictor Machine Learning System

Pilot machine learning solutions in the process of being developed to assess and predict locations where known drivers of zoonotic disease emergence, spillover and outbreaks are likely to occur. This solution will utilise open source environmental, epidemiology and demographic data including deforestation data, disease outbreaks reports, wildife market location evaluations and regional infrastructure developments. The ML algorithms will be tailored to extract features within defined geographical coordinates, utilizing spatial analytics to assess proximity to relevant geographical entities. The algorithm will then seek to identify the importance of geographic, demographic, environmental or other factors in predicting disease hotspots.

OSINT Tracker

Wildlife trafficking offender data is collated by the Southeast Asia Chapter and updated monthly for the United for Wildlife Taskforce. This data features details on nearly 400 arrests of individuals alleged to be trafficking wildlife globally over the past twelve months.

Social and Behavioral Change Online Community of Practice

A community of conservation practitioners, non-governmental organizations, government agencies, academics, researchers, social marketers and advertisers who believe that behavioural science approaches can help to reduce demand for illegally traded wildlife products.

Tool for Rapid Assessment of Wildlife Markets in the Asia-Pacific Region for Relative Risk of Future Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks

The tool helps to assess wildlife markets and trade situations in the Asia-Pacific region to risks of future zoonotic outbreaks. The framework is intended to provide guidance to the region’s governments to assess the relative risk of potential new incidents of serious emerging infectious diseases associated with the trade in wildlife. The risk matrix, published in the One Health scientific journal, will initially be used to analyze wildlife markets in the Asia Pacific region. The evaluation tool recognizes the connection between people, nature and their shared environment, and provides a way for policy makers to take a holistic approach to ecosystem, animal and human health.


An extension of the SCAT tools. It aims to determine the geographic origin(s) of large elephant ivory seizures using a Voronoi tessellation method that utilizes genetic similarities across tusks to simultaneously infer the origin of multiple samples that could have one or more origin(s).

Nature Intelligence System

A machine learning-based dashboard that captures shipping invoices (electronic or paper) and conducts analytics on cargo shipment data (ex. price, weight, country of origin, taxonomic identity) for inspectors to easily identify questionable shipments. It is being tested with Canadian government agencies. It was designed to automatically analyse shipment paperwork and identify questionable shipments. Once anomalies have been identified and shipments are being inspected, officers will be supported in their decision making with an integrated species identification application.

Illegal Wildlife Trade – Red Flags

The Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Financial Flows Toolkit is for financial institutions with particular focus on Africa, Asia and broader global financial centres. The toolkit also provides comprehensive resources for addressing wildlife trafficking, including practical guides and strategic frameworks. It offers tools for law enforcement and conservationists to improve their response to illegal wildlife trade, focusing on investigation techniques, legal frameworks, and inter-agency cooperation. The red flag guidance document within this toolkit compiles a set of key IWT-related red flag indicators to help financial institutions identify the key signs of suspicious activity related to IWT. Some of these red flags are common to other types of crime, but are particularly relevant to IWT.

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