Tool Type: geospatial analysis and mapping
Tools focused on analyzing spatial data and visualizing geographic information, such as habitat loss, illegal land use, or species distribution, typically presented in map form to reveal trends and relationships.
IUU Fishing Dashboard
The Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Dashboard is a publicly available tool utilizing data from Windward to identify vessels at high risk of IUU fishing and incidents of fishing activities, dark activities, and likely transshipments in three areas of interest in Latin America. The dashboard is intended to serve as a publicly available tool for researchers, analysts, journalists and the overall public to gain an awareness and understanding of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) in important areas around Latin America. It provides situational awareness of ongoing activities, as well as historical data going back to 2022, in order to meet various research needs.
Critical Minerals Dashboard
The Critical Minerals Dashboard locates mining projects of critical minerals and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Latin America, considering the strategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Data is sourced from multiple open-source channels and will be regularly updated and expanded.
EcoCrime Map
This map from Ecocrime Data, the Igarapé Institute’s new data visualization platform, provides an overview of the ways in which environmental crime threatens forests, traditional peoples and communities, and the region’s biodiversity.
The platform offers an immersive experience showing how land grabbing, illegal logging, illegal mining and the illicit wildlife trade are harming our climate. It also reveals the many social challenges that emerge from environmental crimes, including corruption, slavery and violence.
CITES Wildlife TradeView
Visualises CITES trade data over time, by species or by country.
SMART enables the collection, storage, communication, and evaluation of data on patrol efforts, patrol results, and threat levels. It is a conservation area management platform, including mobile, desktop, and cloud-based components with a wide range of applications in conservation practice. This platform allows conservationists to easily collect, visualize, store, analyze, report and act on a wide range of data relevant for protecting wildlife and improving your overall conservation impact. SMART 7 is the latest version that has been released. Multiple tools are bundled in the app that can be used for different purposes.
Detects land-cover changes resulting from human activities in near real-time, producing updates every 16 days. The computational neural network is ‘trained’ to understand the normal pattern of changes in vegetation greenness in relation to terrain and rainfall for a site and then marks areas as changed where the greenness suddenly changes well beyond these normal limits.
Seascape Map
Database for efforts working to address seafood traceability, IUU fishing, and social responsibility topics. Map has since been archived but can still be accessed online.
The Global Forest Watch Map
An open-source web application to monitor global forests in near real-time. GFW is an initiative of the World Resources Institute, with partners including Google, USAID, the University of Maryland, Esri, Vizzuality and many other academic, non-profit, public, and private organizations.
Mineria Illegal
Map created by Amazon Georeferenced Socioenvironmental Information Network (RAISG) to map illegal mining in protected territories of the Amazon.
200 earth imaging satellites, the largest in history, imaging the whole Earth land mass daily.