Wildlife Trade Portal

The most comprehensive open-access repository of wildlife seizure data. The Wildlife Trade Portal is an interactive tool that displays TRAFFIC’s open-source wildlife seizure and incident data.

OWLET Report Suspicious Wildlife Content Online

“End Wildlife Trafficking Online” is dedicated to combating wildlife trafficking, a significant global issue that threatens biodiversity and ecosystems. It raises awareness about the illegal trade of animals and plants, emphasizing the impact on species, conservation efforts, and local communities. Complete the online form to report suspected illegal wildlife products including live endangered species or products made from their parts for sale online. The Coalition will review these listings and work with company partners to remove those that violate the Coalition’s Prohibited Wildlife Policy Framework and are relevant to their platforms.

Wildlife Sentinel

Wildlife Sentinel is an app to help staff at airports, airlines, and other aviation companies report suspected wildlife trafficking and corruption. The app is anonymous and is available for download on the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Wildlife Witness

Wildlife Witness lets you report illegal trade. It makes it simple for you to watch out for wildlife and be part of the solution. It is the first global community action tool to tackle illegal trade and gives you the power to make a positive difference. With the app you can report wildlife you see caught in trade, see reports you’ve made on a global map, learn about wildlife affected by trade, and learn what to look out for.


Assists with general species identification. Every observation can contribute to biodiversity science, from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed. The app shares community findings with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use community data.

The Ocean Actions Index

This is a compilation of input from advocates and researchers who were asked what can be done to better protect the oceans and its workers. This document consists of three levels. The first lists actions that individuals can take. The second itemizes actions governments or companies can take. The third offers broader context.


SMART enables the collection, storage, communication, and evaluation of data on patrol efforts, patrol results, and threat levels. It is a conservation area management platform, including mobile, desktop, and cloud-based components with a wide range of applications in conservation practice. This platform allows conservationists to easily collect, visualize, store, analyze, report and act on a wide range of data relevant for protecting wildlife and improving your overall conservation impact. SMART 7 is the latest version that has been released. Multiple tools are bundled in the app that can be used for different purposes.

Wildlabs Database

Global conservation technology community of 7,000 people in 120 countries discussing 1,300 topics like biologging, camera traps, and machine learning.

Global Wildlife Whistleblower Program

The National Whistle Blower Center’s Global Wildlife Whistleblower Program is a secure worldwide web-based platform designed to educate and incentivize potential whistleblowers in order to dramatically increase the number of high-quality confidential reports essential to detect wildlife crime and enforce the laws prohibiting illegal trafficking worldwide.

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