Tool Type: corruption and governance
Tools designed to identify, monitor, or address governance challenges, such as corruption, lack of enforcement, or regulatory issues that enable or exacerbate environmental crime.
Organized Crime Idex
First global analytical tool to provide an assessment of criminal markets, categories of criminal actors, and resilience capacity for 193 UN member states.
Illegal Wildlife Trade – Red Flags
The Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Financial Flows Toolkit is for financial institutions with particular focus on Africa, Asia and broader global financial centres. The toolkit also provides comprehensive resources for addressing wildlife trafficking, including practical guides and strategic frameworks. It offers tools for law enforcement and conservationists to improve their response to illegal wildlife trade, focusing on investigation techniques, legal frameworks, and inter-agency cooperation. The red flag guidance document within this toolkit compiles a set of key IWT-related red flag indicators to help financial institutions identify the key signs of suspicious activity related to IWT. Some of these red flags are common to other types of crime, but are particularly relevant to IWT.