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The Nature Crime Alliance welcomes UNEP as a member

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the latest organisation to join the Nature Crime Alliance – a global, multi-sector network that aims to raise political will, mobilise financial commitment, and bolster operational capacity to fight nature crime. 

As the global authority for the environment, UNEP runs a range of initiatives focusing on climate, nature, pollution, and sustainable development. UNEP’s ongoing work to protect the environment will be supported through the Alliance, which brings together a wide range of actors fighting nature crime around the world. 

The Alliance was co-created in recognition that current efforts to tackle nature crime are fragmented. It aims to catalyse collaboration between governments, law enforcement, international and civil society organisations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities, and the private sector. It’s current Co-Chairs are Norway and the United States. 

Elizabeth Mrema, UN Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director of UNEP, said: “UNEP recognizes the critical importance of addressing nature crime, a menace that threatens environmental sustainability, peace, security, and the rule of law globally. 

“Joining the Nature Crime Alliance aligns with our strategic objectives, and I believe it will significantly enhance our joint efforts, especially in light of our commitment to the UN Common Approach to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework.”

Assistant Secretary General Mrema will be speaking at the upcoming UN Environment Assembly side event, ‘Joint Action Against Nature Crime: A Pathway to Achieving Biodiversity, Climate and Sustainable Development Goals,’ which convenes at UNEA-6 on Thursday 29 February, 18:30 EAT in Conference Room 1.

Yulia Stange, Director of the Nature Crime Alliance, commented: “It will not be possible to meet global environmental commitments without addressing nature crime. With a broad scope across climate and environmental issues, UNEP will add tremendous value to the Alliance as we work together to eradicate nature crime and the damage it wreaks upon people and planet.” 

To find out more, please contact Luke Foddy, Communications Manager:

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