Solving the Problem


Great work is being done around the world to fight crimes against people and planet. However, the Nature Crime Alliance has been co-created in recognition that many of these efforts are fragmented. By bringing together the wide range of actors fighting nature crime, we can align and complement our collective work to build a more effective response to this global and complex challenge.

The Alliance is not aiming to reinvent the wheel and compete with current initiatives. Rather, it aims to amplify the work already being done by our members, and serve as a catalyzer for new ideas and solutions.

Our strategic priority areas

Our work falls across six strategic priority areas. These were developed through extensive consultations with actors from a range of sectors. The priority areas cut across different crime types and geographies.


A Multidisciplinary, Coordinated Global Network

The Nature Crime Alliance focuses on building bridges across disciplinary, geographic, and jurisdictional domains, promoting collaboration to illuminate and amplify strategies that make a difference. The Alliance will convene leaders and experts from across sectors and regions to identify opportunities to add unique value in the global fight agains nature crime.

Strategic Pillars

Raising Political Will

to aggressively pursue the powerful criminal networks and actors that commit nature crime.


Mobilising Financial Commitments

to support initiatives, partnerships, and organisations engaged in the fight.


Bolstering Operational Capacity

to better identify, disrupt, and prosecute the individuals and syndicates controlling nature crime and the other illicit activities it enables.


Get Involved

Join the Alliance

By joining the Alliance, participants unlock a range of opportunities designed to support and empower them in their fight against nature crime.

Find Out More

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