
One of the most important missions of the Nature Crime Alliance is to improve coherence and enhance intelligence and information sharing between stakeholders. Over the last year the Alliance Secretariat has been working on enhancing its dot-connecting capabilities by developing and scoping a range of specialised tools designed to streamline collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders involved in combating wildlife crime. These resources were conceptualised together with members to address specific needs outlined during consultations with different actors within the community, and would be part of the services the Alliance offers to its members.

Knowledge building

Our resources build knowledge by streamlining access to the diverse range of existing technologies and research to empower interested stakeholders

Knowledge Library

The Nature Crime Alliance’s curated library aggregates and organises relevant literature, research papers, and actionable case studies, providing a rich repository of knowledge that is easily accessible. The library currently indexes over 200 entries, organised by crime types and strategic priorities, and features more than 80 additional labels that can be assigned to papers to facilitate targeted literature searches. The  library will continue to be regularly updated, incorporating the latest reports produced by our Members and other active partners in the field.

How do I access the library?
You may access a public version of the library here, which allows for viewing and filtering of the research in our collection. We value the work of our members and provide database access as a shared common resource for our community. If interested in Alliance membership, view our Guiding Principles here and send a request with more information about your organization to

Can I add my research to the library?
We welcome all contributions to our growing library. If interested in submitting your research, email our curator
Who can I contact if I have questions about the library?
Contact if you experience difficulty accessing the library or have any other questions about the library

Index of Tools

The Index of Tools offers a well-organised catalogue of the latest digital technologies, tools and datasets existing in the field. It currently lists over 80 monitoring and tracking tools, indices, dashboards and platforms. We hope the index will highlight existing technological gaps and increase collaboration in tool development, while also serving as a resource for researchers and professionals in the field.

How do I access the index of tools?

Can I contribute a tool to the index?
How was the index developed?
The index of tools was developed from a curated list of tools categorized by geography, crime type, year of creation, and organization owner type using publicly available information. To enhance indexing, our team also developed a unique typology for nature crime tools based on our dataset. For a detailed description of our methodology, view the PDF here

Wildlife Expert Directory

Law enforcement agencies often require specialised knowledge that goes beyond their immediate expertise, especially when dealing with wildlife crime involving rare or endangered species. The Wildlife Expert Directory was developed in close collaboration with key partners from law enforcement, providing access to biologists, ecologists, and other species experts who can offer critical insights necessary for identification, handling, and understanding the ecological impacts of crimes against wildlife. These experts can assist in forensic analysis, provide testimony in legal proceedings, and train officers in species-specific knowledge that enhances the effectiveness of law enforcement actions.

How can I access the directory?
Members or non-members may request access to the directory by completing an application form here.

Can anyone access the directory?
No, the wildlife expert directory exclusively protects the privacy of our experts and is currently only available to law enforcement. Access is granted on a case-by-case basis after an initial vetting process has successfully occurred.

Can I suggest an expert for the directory?
There is a vital need to connect law enforcement with more wildlife crime and other nature crime experts. You may recommend experts for the directory by completing a suggestion form here, which will request contact information.
Which regions and areas of expertise are included in the directory?
The directory includes South and East Africa, however, we plan to grow the directory globally. The directory includes professionals with legal, technical, scientific, economic, and other expertise.


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