IUU Fishing Dashboard

The Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing Dashboard is a publicly available tool utilizing data from Windward to identify vessels at high risk of IUU fishing and incidents of fishing activities, dark activities, and likely transshipments in three areas of interest in Latin America. The dashboard is intended to serve as a publicly available tool for researchers, analysts, journalists and the overall public to gain an awareness and understanding of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) in important areas around Latin America. It provides situational awareness of ongoing activities, as well as historical data going back to 2022, in order to meet various research needs.

Critical Minerals Dashboard

The Critical Minerals Dashboard locates mining projects of critical minerals and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) in Latin America, considering the strategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Data is sourced from multiple open-source channels and will be regularly updated and expanded.

Marine Aquarium Biodiversity and Trade Flow

Researchers from Roger Williams University and the New England Aquarium developed this interactive web tool to illuminate and evaluate the global shipping pathways of the aquarium trade. Registered users can examine exporting countries and the ports where the fish and invertebrates enter the U.S. Additional features include selecting a species/group of species to determine origin and volume in the trade. The web portal is the culmination of several years of work, including tabulating the volume and diversity of marine ornamental species entering the U.S. via aquarium trade pathways.


Software for “smoothed and continuous assignment tests” that combines genetic and statistical methods to determine the origin of poached ivory. The methods estimate geographic-specific allele frequencies over the entire African elephants’ range. These geographic-specific allele frequency estimates are used to infer the geographic origin of DNA samples.


An extension of the SCAT tools. It aims to determine the geographic origin(s) of large elephant ivory seizures using a Voronoi tessellation method that utilizes genetic similarities across tusks to simultaneously infer the origin of multiple samples that could have one or more origin(s).


Database that gathers DNA profiles and the location of rhinos in South Africa. When authorities confiscate rhino horn, they can run a DNA test to determine its exact origin. This is intended to serve as a deterrent to poachers and assist in prosecutions.