Marine Aquarium Biodiversity and Trade Flow

Researchers from Roger Williams University and the New England Aquarium developed this interactive web tool to illuminate and evaluate the global shipping pathways of the aquarium trade. Registered users can examine exporting countries and the ports where the fish and invertebrates enter the U.S. Additional features include selecting a species/group of species to determine origin and volume in the trade. The web portal is the culmination of several years of work, including tabulating the volume and diversity of marine ornamental species entering the U.S. via aquarium trade pathways.


Software for “smoothed and continuous assignment tests” that combines genetic and statistical methods to determine the origin of poached ivory. The methods estimate geographic-specific allele frequencies over the entire African elephants’ range. These geographic-specific allele frequency estimates are used to infer the geographic origin of DNA samples.


An extension of the SCAT tools. It aims to determine the geographic origin(s) of large elephant ivory seizures using a Voronoi tessellation method that utilizes genetic similarities across tusks to simultaneously infer the origin of multiple samples that could have one or more origin(s).

Seascape Map

Database for efforts working to address seafood traceability, IUU fishing, and social responsibility topics. Map has since been archived but can still be accessed online.

AML Index

Published annually, the public edition of the Basel AML Index ranks countries with sufficient data to calculate a reliable risk score. It is a snapshot of global ML/TF risks and progress by countries and regions over time.

Corruption Perceptions Index

Since its inception in 1995, the Corruption Perceptions Index, Transparency International’s flagship research product, has become the leading global indicator of public sector corruption. The index offers an annual snapshot of the relative degree of corruption by ranking countries and territories from all over the globe. In 2012, Transparency International revised the methodology used to construct the index to allow for comparison of scores from one year to the next.

Detect IT Fish

Web-based tool that looks at data tracking the movement of fish from port to port and country to country. The tool highlights any trade information that looks suspicious and possibly illegal. Through rapid, automated collection, it compares, and analyzes United Nations trade data from more than 170 countries. A user can search trade data by time, product, and partner countries. The tool is either no longer maintained or not available for use.

The Global Fishing Watch Map

The Global Fishing Watch map is the first open-access online tool for visualization and analysis of vessel-based human activity at sea. Anyone with an internet connection can access the map to monitor global fishing activity from 2012 to the present for more than 65,000 commercial fishing vessels that are responsible for a significant part of global seafood catch.

The Global Forest Watch Map

An open-source web application to monitor global forests in near real-time. GFW is an initiative of the World Resources Institute, with partners including Google, USAID, the University of Maryland, Esri, Vizzuality and many other academic, non-profit, public, and private organizations.

Organized Crime Idex

First global analytical tool to provide an assessment of criminal markets, categories of criminal actors, and resilience capacity for 193 UN member states.